Moving to or within Haarlem


If you move within or to Haarlem from within The Netherlands, you need to register your change of address with us. Please come to the public hall no later than 5 days after your move. Call 14 023 to make an appointment.

Required documents

  • Proof of residency: a tenancy agreement or purchase contract for your new home
  • If you are not the primary resident: a signed consent form signed by the primary resident, as well as a valid identity document of the primary resident. A copy is allowed

What you need to know

  • You can inform us of your move on behalf of other family members. Family members can include: your spouse, child(ren), parent(s), grandparent(s), grandchild(ren) or sibling(s)
  • You will receive a written confirmation of your move on your new address within 2 weeks
  • When we process your change of address, you will be automatically de-registered from your old address or municipality